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The Lodge is proud to be a supporter of Rotary International.

Join the Program and Rediscover Yourself

Rotary Club International Logo

Rotary Club is a worldwide organisation of dynamic, hardworking professionals of various ages and backgrounds who want to "make a difference" not just in the communities where we live and work, but also around the world.


However, since changing the world takes time, we participate in social activities, organise charity events, network, have a lot of fun, and, in our case, meet once a week, either in person or via Zoom.


Every member is unique and contributes as much or as little of their time and talent as they are able, therefore we customise our activities so that everyone can make a difference, no matter how big or small, and it is truly astonishing what can be accomplished to help someone, somewhere, sometime.


Please contact us if you would like to learn more about joining the Rotary Club of Westbourne or becoming a Rotary Business Partner.








Hasmukh Chandegra

Assistant Governor 2021-22

District Support Team

Cleaning the Beach

Rotary International’s Motto is ‘Service Above Self’ and Westbourne Rotary club’s own motto is

Making Dreams real within communities.

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